Los artículos son:
Intrincadamente bordado a mano.
Hecho a la medida de las especificaciones
Ejecutado para que coincida con los dibujos.
Se dio la vuelta en dos meses
Calidad garantizada
Los proyectos reflejan tendencias emergentes, giran en torno a patrones y colores llamativos, y las ganancias se destinan a las mujeres hondureñas de Honduras Threads. A lo largo de los años, nos hemos asociado con varias empresas para crear productos personalizados bordados a mano para interiores. proyectos de diseño, comisiones de arte, regalos corporativos y más.
Comuníquese y analicemos cómo Honduras Threads puede embellecer su negocio.
Colaboramos con diseñadores de interiores, artistas, creadores de catálogos y otros para ofrecer una variedad de artículos únicos.
Interiorismo y Catálogos

Una hermosa habitación de hotel necesita las piezas decorativas adecuadas. Cuando era diseñadora de interiores de dos hoteles en Costa Rica, el nuevo JW Marriott Guanacaste Resort & Spa y el Intercontinental en San José, eligió una variación de nuestro diseño de almohada Flores para dar vida a las habitaciones. Para los dos hoteles, ¡fueron 1.402 almohadas en total! Las mujeres de las cooperativas de bordado tenían cinco meses para completar el pedido con un número específico de almohadas adeudadas en cada uno de los tres plazos. Organizaron su proceso de producción y cumplieron con cada fecha límite con un trabajo increíblemente hermoso.
Las almohadas de Honduras Threads también han aparecido en el catálogo en línea de Navidad de Horchow y en el catálogo de Sturbridge Yankee Workshop.
Las almohadas de Honduras Threads también han aparecido en el catálogo en línea de Navidad de Horchow y en el catálogo de Sturbridge Yankee Workshop.
Regalos de Empresa
When Andy Streitfeld, founder and CEO of AMS Pictures, a creative media company, needed a special holiday gift for his clients to celebrate the company's 30th anniversary year, he thought of the wildly colorful embroidered pillows he had seen at Honduras Threads' annual Studio Sale. He asked artist Pamela Nelson to design a commemorative pillow incorporating the AMS logo and the 30th anniversary theme. The logo would be in the AMS logo colors, but he wanted the women in Honduras to choose the other colors, the fabrics and the stitches and make them all different. See above for the final products. Andy was very happy with the results, his clients loved their gifts, and the women in Honduras had a ball making them!
Mrs. Eugene McDermott, a longtime supporter of both Honduras Threads and Dallas’ Parkland Hospital, commissioned us to create a major stitched work of art for the hospital. Parkland administrators wanted the piece to celebrate the many nationalities of the hospital’s patients, medical staff and employees. Artist Pamela Nelson created an 8-foot by 4-foot world map silhouetted on a field of color drawn from the flags of all the countries represented, bordered by the many languages regularly translated at Parkland, and flanked by the flags of Texas, the United States and the Parkland Hospital chevron logo.
Mrs. McDermott specifically requested that every member of each co-op have a part in its creation with her stitches on the finished piece. The women from each co-op worked together to prepare all of the appliqués pieces and fuse them to the background fabric. Then the piece travelled from co-op to co-op for a week at a time until all of the embroidery was complete. The women named the work “The Joy Project.” On May 11, 2012 at a luncheon hosted by Mrs. McDermott, she presented the framed artwork and dedicated it to Dr. Ron Anderson, president and CEO of Parkland for 29 years. His legacy, the stimulus for his many accomplishments at Parkland, was his belief that the uninsured and poor deserve the same quality care as anyone else.

Honduras Threads has custom designed banners or hangings for several locations.
Two supporters of Jubilee Park & Community Center in South Dallas commissioned us to create three hangings for the community center. We asked Sally Schupp, an artist who volunteers with both Honduras Threads and Jubilee, to design the three 9-foot panels. The theme of the neighborhood children playing in the daytime and evening delighted the embroiders in Honduras.
The St. Francis chapter of Daughters of the King at the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas the Apostle in Dallas commissioned Honduras Threads to create a banner of St. Francis that would match their church's banner of St. Thomas in size and tone.